Welcome to March News
Is this your first time at BSS Dance? The Gig Guide is updated every Wednesday and all
previous Newsletters are kept in the archives and can be read at your leisure.

Where to Learn? – Lessons page is updated every week so please do check for any last minute changes. For quick updates you may also visit our Facebook Page.
Read all “About Us” at your leisure and get familiar with our website. We post our News bi-monthly and the next 2 issues this year are September & November.
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for all your daily class and events update.
This is your News! so relax put your feet up and read on!
What’s New
- Zumba Class at Plumpton
2. New Venue at Casula Community Centre starting Monday 4 March
3.Swing Katz are in Munich
4.Lucky Seven from South Australia coming to the Coast!!!
5.Next Hallelujah Social Dance at St Johns Heritage Church
6.Chromefest Bands locked in
Zumba at Plumpton
Come along Thursdays Nights and join Zumba Gold at our Plumpton venue 5.30-6.30pm.
Suitable for active adults and seniors who are looking for a modified Zumba class that recreates the original moves you love at a lower intensity.
How does it work? Amelia will introduce easy to follow Zumba Choreography that focuses on balance, range ofmotion and co-ordination to great latin, rocknroll and pop rhythms.
Don’t be shy! Bring bottled water and a hand towel. Casual gym gear.

New time for Ettalong
Please note this coming Monday 4 March Ettalong Beginners Class has been brought
forward to 6.45pm keeping it in line with all our Central Coast Class format.
New courses starting this coming Monday please spread the word. We still have vacancies.

Get your Diaries out……Upcoming Festivals
Fri 8-10 Kiama Jazz Festival
Sun 10 March RocknRoll Vintage Thirroul
Sat 16 Dave Harradine Fundraiser Club Liverpool
Sun 17 Camden Car Show Camden Showground
Sat 23 Sydney Veterans Lodge Luddenham ShownShine
Fri 29-31 Kurri Kurri Nostalgic Festival
Sat 30 The Art House Swing on This
New Venue Casula Community Centre Monday 4 March
We are happy to announce the new venue Casula Community Centre will start this coming Monday 4 March with Amelia Kalafatis. Amelia has been on the scene for 20 years and I have had the pleasure or working close with Amelia during those years. Fully qualified in Swing, Rockabilly and Rocknroll as well as an Event Organiser and Zumba Instructor we look forward to welcoming Amelia on our team at Casula and Plumpton.
6.45pm Beginners Rocknroll
7.45pm Intermediate RocknRoll

Entry Forms and Sponsorships will be open later this month.
Save the Date Saturday 10 August at Greyhound Social Club Yagoona.
More details to come. Be sure to like our Facebook Page and check our website later this month for all the news.

ROCK THAT SWING FESTIVAL is now live and the Swing Katz Junior team are hitting the workshops daily as I write this. Once again on behalf of the parents and the Dance School we are so grateful for each and everyone that contributed to the fundraiser to get these kids to Munich. This experience will be surely a major milestone in their dancing career.

New Gigs for Central Coast……Looking for something different
I’m always on the lookout for new venues, new bands, something different. February saw quite a few gigs and some new events on the Central Coast which was exciting. Unfortunately not all were well supported. Please don’t forget to give of your time and if necessary pay the entry fee to these fabulous events so we can have more on the Coast.
Galleria– has monthly Swing, Rockabilly and RocknRoll events free
Central Coast Leagues Club– the last Monday of the month there is Swing n Jazz downstairs at the club $10 fee
St Johns Heritage Churchsocial was a huge success. Our next date is Satuday 11 May.

Medals Date
First medal Day of the year will be held on Sat 11 May at East Gosford Progressive Hall between 1pm-3pm. We welcome spectactors to cheer along the students.
We encourage all students to join the Medals Day. They are designed to build
self -confidence and develop technique and provide a structured approach to measure each individuals progress. The Medal Series start from Bronze to Gold Star.
Please email me for your forms and syllabus. For more details speak to your class teacher at any of our venues.
Fees are payable by 21 April.

Swing Ball
Have you booked your seat for our first Swing Ball?
Swing like it’s the 1940s with one of our favourite local band The Aston Martinis.
Dress to impress and enjoy a night of dancing to a great mix of Cool Swing and Rock tunes.
These guys are fun and fabulous with lots of class and energy!!!
You won’t be disappointed.
Tickets available now online, bank deposit or at class.
Details here

Christmas in July Coast Shelter Appeal
I am jumping out of my skin with the announcement of Lucky Seven coming to the Coast for our Christmas in July this year. Save the Date Sat 27 July Central Coast Leagues Club. When a like minded attachment of musical aficionados’ grace the stage the result speaks for itself.
To encapsulate a genre of music that appeals to all generations is a winning formula
effortlessly perfected by these dapper gents.
Get ready to bop, drop and jive….. with Lucky Seven
More news on the Coast Shelter Donations and ticket sales next month. You won’t want to miss this event.

Chromefest 2019
All the bands have been locked in for Chromefest and I am happy to report that both major events will be held at Club Mingara Auditorium downstairs.
The Big Reveal will come later this month. In the meantime save the date.
Fri 25-Sun 27 October and book your accommodation. You won’t be disappointed.

Courtesy Call
Please pick up the phone and give us a call, email or text if you are unable to attend class.
If you have booked a private lesson and cancel on the day of the lesson a cancellation fee of $33 is charged and is payable.
Unfortunately we need to pass on the overhead costs.

If you plant corn seeds you will grow corn
If you plant nothing……

Lets Rock, Let’s Swing