Tag Archives: Dance Party Gosford

March Madness

Let’s welcome all our new students who have crossed the floor in 2024.
May dance bring you the joy and fun that our dance family has come to know.

March Madness lives up to its name.
The first 2 weeks of March have come and gone!
It’s a new month and a new season and shortly day light saving will end.
It’s time to prepare for the next few months, time to harvest, time to see the fruits of your labour during the Summer months. If you are a gardener and planted herbs it’s time to dry them and store them for the cold season. If you planted veges it’s time to pickle them and so forth. Get my drift.
I believe in “what you sow is what your reap”. Therefore, I hope your efforts during the summer are now reaping the rewards.

Let it be said the comeback after 5 years was extremely successful.
The new format was a hit!
We loved the added bonus of having Azz and the Cats perform for us and elevate the vibe in the room.
A big thank you and congratulations to all who participated and for amazing team and sponsors who made it happen.
The club was so impressed they rang me Monday morning and as luck would have it we are back in 2025. Save the date 8 March 2025.

There is still some fine tuning in some areas which I will be looking at next year closely.

Please note the following new course dates for the following venues
Gosford 14 March
Clarendon 14 March
Emu Plains 18 March
Concord 20 March

Our next dance party at Gosford will be held this Friday 16 March. Let’s celebrate St Patricks Day.
Time 6.30pm – 9pm
$8 at the door

I have made the decision to avoid the clubs for the return of the Christmas in July due to the exhuberant hiring fees. I am not comfortable in passing those fees to our students.
Minimum venue hire is $1500. Gosford Hall has a great dance floor and accommodates 150 people comfortably. We are in the process of choosing a band and theme and will let you know in the coming months. In the meantime please SAVE THE DATE.

Venue Gosford Hall
Date Sat 20 July
Band to be confirmed
Theme to be confirmed

The next competition on our calendar is the VRDDA State Titles in Melbourne Sat 18 May.
If anyone is interested in entering or would like to spectate and be at our table please let me know by Wednesday 20 March.


Much love to you all
Anna Justin