Tag Archives: Learn to dance Gosford

Unlocking May

Unlocking May
Dance In May and beyond

As we prepare for the new season of winter my goal is to encourage and inspire everyone to move their body and what better way? DANCE! Yes..I’m biased…
Did you know studies over the last 10 years found by contracting your muscles you secret proteins and chemicals that can make you resilient to stress . By bringing movement into your life you release these “hope proteins” and ignite a positive energy within you. Therefore, DANCE can only be good for your mood and lift your vibration instantly.
Don’t believe me give it a go and see how you can elevate your wellbeing.

New courses
First Lesson Free
Continuing the theme of GIVING in 2024. We are offering First Lesson FREE.
Please also see Refer a Friend Program below for details on how long term students can
receive FREE lessons too.

Learn to DANCE New courses
Are you ready to liven up your social life with some rock and roll dancing or Swing? If you’ve always wanted to learn how to move and groove to the rhythm of these iconic dance styles, then look no further.
The classes are fun, friendly and engaging with a high energy vibe and easy step by step
instructions. Don’t be shy give us a call and give it a try.

It’s not too late to enrol!
Concord 24 April
Emu Plains 29 April
Clarendon Tavern & Gosford 2 May

Halloween in July
Buy your ticket NOW! $25
Halloween is our theme for this year Christmas in July with Flattrakkers performing.
Engage in the fun of dressing up for the event to add that bit of excitement.
Always a great opportunity for a get together.
Where? Gosford Hall
When? Saturday 20 July
What time? 7pm-11-pm
It has been a long 5 years since the last event.
I would like to thank Tracey Geddes for her raffle donations. If you have a business and would like to donate prizes please email me.
There will be BEST DRESSED prizes to continue the long time tradition.
Let’s have a bit of FUN, all welcomed to come along.
Email for bank details or head to our Event ticket page

Gosford Corner
Disruption for Gosford in May
Reminder there are no classes Thursday 16 May. We are there this week 9 May and return again 23 May.

Café dance classes at Gosford
Warm up and enjoy! We are going to start Café dance classes at Gosford. The perfect way to warm up the body and soothe the soles during the cooler July weather. We are bringing back refreshments during the cooler weather in July in conjunction with our workshops.
Adding a cozy touch to the workshops by enjoying a drink or snack while you socialise and relax at class.

Pot Luck night!
The last week of our June course we are going to have a pot luck night. Bring a plate to share. The class times for Thursday 27 June are as follows
RocknRoll 6.30pm Social dancing 7.30pm
This will be the last night of our mid year course at Gosford as we will be pausing to run our workshops during July and new courses will recommence Thursday 8 August.

August is our Birthday month
We will celebrate our Birthday at our Halloween in July event and further celebrations with an open invite to all students on Thursday 1st August for a Dinner at La Fiamma Ettalong. Bookings are essential.
Please RSVP for this special event.

July workshops
We have changes coming for the month of July at Gosford. There will be no new courses run in July instead we are running individual workshops each week with a different flavour. Please note the workshops available below and send us your suggestion for week 4.

Student Profile Vids are back
The Student Profile Videos are a great way to showcase our students and the different walks of life that come on to the dance floor. They are back and we look forward to bringing them to you from each venue.

Lets talk Shop
Learn to Dance Vouchers
Did you know aside from dance classes and dance events you can buy gift vouchers for birthday gifts and special occasions. There are Learn to Dance Vouchers from $65 to $120 available. Wedding Dance Vouchers from $440 also available.

We are taking orders once again for ladies and mens Tee Shirts and Jackets
Tee Shirts $40 and Jackets $120
Shoes can be purchased by appointment. Send me an email for further details.

BSS Dance Calendar
Get your calendars ready because there are some amazing events coming up at Blue Suede Shoes
May is Frankie Month join one of our swing classes
July Workshops Gosford Hall
Gosford Socials 21 June, 16 August, 20 September, 15 November Gosford Hall
Halloween in July Saturday 20 July Gosford Hall
Birthday Dinner Thursday 1 August La Fiamma Ettalong
Chromefest Sockhop Friday 25 October Long Jetty Hall
Xmas Party 30 November Castle Hill Bowling Club

Lets start a conversation
What comes first music or dance?
I would be interested to hear your feedback on this topic. It is like what came first the chicken or the egg ?
Considering the sense of hearing would make one think music, you hear a bird sing, you hear a particular sound and that would make you move to the rhythm your hear. However, I then realise we walk, we run, we are moving constantly to a particular rhythm in our day without music and I can dance without music. There is music inwards -in our heads, in our hearts and in our soul that we listen to and we do not necessarily in that situation hear the music that is played outward.
What are your thoughts?

Refer a friend progam
Would you like FREE lessons? Yes FREE
Refer a friend and when they enrol earn a FREE lesson

Courtesy Call
We appreciate your courtesy call and would like to thank you for the kind consideration.

Be the type of energy that no matter where you go,
you always add value to the spaces and lives around you

Anna & Justin

Spring Time

“Today’s music ain’t go that same soul. I like that old time rock and roll.”
This line resonates not just with music but with our everday rhythm in life. Today’s fast life has lost it’s soul. I’d like to bring back some of the old simple yesteryear slow life.
Living the slow life for the past 3 months really places perspective into going back to basics and how little we really need to live. The less I have the happier and lighter I feel. It’s our family and friends and the time we have with them that is important. LIfe is not about
accumulating stuff which only makes us heavier and in turn brings stress.

This edition we have new Spring courses. Please spread the word if you have friends that would like to learn and have been putting it off forever. This is the time to start. I received a beautiful email this week, a new enquiry asking if it was too late to start learning in their 70’s. It’s never too late!

New course dates
Spring courses start as early as this Monday coming
Monday 4 September Emu Plains Public School Hall
Wednesday 6 September Concord Presbyterian Hall
Thursday 5 October Gosford Hall
Clarendon course has begun and its not too late to come along and learn to dance.

These courses are tailored for absolute beginners. We get you off your seat onto the floor dancing like Fred and Ginger in no time. Join the fun, friendly, family atmosphere.

Fathers Day
Don’t forget to spoil those Dads this weekend! Take them dancing and let them leash their inner John Travolta! We hope all the father figures will have a memorable day!

Rocktober Events
ChromeFest Sockhop
Can you believe it we can now say ChromeFest is next month. We have Mescalero featuring Don Hopkins performing.
We have 25 tickets left for the Friday Sockhop . Please message or email me for tickets. You may also purchase them via our website shopping cart Events tab. Please note there are no refunds but you may transfer the tickets.
Date Fri 27 October
Venue Gosford Hall 217 Albany Street North at Gosford nearest cross street Henry Wheeler Place
Time 7pm-11pm
Tickets $28 by bank deposit
BSB 062121  ACC 10618711 Acc Name Anna Ocello

ChromeFest Saturday Jive
This is a ChromeFest event that I will be overseeing on the night. If you wish to
purchase tickets please visit the Chromefest.org site ticket events page.
Double Header A band called Twang and Bad Luck Kitty $32

End of year Christmas Party
It will be an end of year party but the start of Summer where all the FUN begins.
We can now confirm our end of year Christmas Party for Saturday 2 December back at one of our old stomping grounds Castle Hill Bowling Club. We are happy to have the Jive Bombers performing and our theme is All White Summer party.
It is customary at our end of year event to decorate your own table. We have prizes for best dressed table so get your creative juices ready.

Christmas routine – if anyone is interested in doing a routine for the Christmas Party please let us know so we can structure classes accordingly.

Gosford Socials
We are bringing back our Gosford socials as early as Friday 20 October. I do hope you will all support this event and that we can continue it through to December and into 2024.


Midyear slump?

Have you hit the midyear slump?
Given the recent lockdown restrictions throughout Greater Sydney over the last 6 weeks I just want to reach out and remind everyone we will return once restrictions have eased.

In the meantime, please be kind to one another.  Everyone has a different opinion and rightly so.  We do encourage you to leave the politics to the politicians and respect each and everyone’s privacy. We are all experiencing different struggles.  Some have been
impacted either by health or financially and this takes a lot of mental strength to keep
resilient.  During these times please be considerate and supportive of one another as there is enough division amongst the people caused by external factors.

My wish for you all is to get EXCITED again!

I quite often get asked – How do I remain positive during this Pause Period?
Here are my tips not necessarily in this order.

3 years with no TV …best decision I have ever made
Turn off all negative social media (have a social media detox once a week)
Read books
Look ahead and Plan for when we get out of lockdown
Stay in touch with family and friends
Look for the good and look at the glass half full
Exercise daily even if it’s just a walk in the sunshine
Be grateful for the time we have been given to do those things we keep putting off
Set new goals

Try something new

My thoughts
We can all agree that we all miss our dance family and friends as well as the dancing.
This last 18 months have been quite the challenge especially for those in the south west and western areas of Sydney this time round.  Lockdown isn’t fun but we need to stay
focused and be resilient.  This too will pass and it won’t be long before we can all laugh
together again.

I want to keep you all motivated and inspired that there will be brighter days ahead and things may get worse before they get better but it’s just a bump in the road.

Now, Let’s do this short and sweet update.

­­30th Birthday Event
Our 30th Birthday Xmas in July has been postponed and now will move to our end of year Christmas Party.
We cannot give you a date as yet or venue until restrictions ease for dancing.  We still have Lemon Squeezin Daddies performing for this event.
Anyone wishing not to hold on to their ticket please email me for a refund.

Classes may look different when we get back as I would expect the 4sqm rule to come into effect first before returning to 2the sqm rule.  I would envisage private lessons coming into effect first.
Realistically my expectations for a start this year will be highly unlikely.

It’s our Birthday
5th August marks our 30th Birthday and what a ride it’s been.  We have had so many
wonderful memories and achievements.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you have supported us throughout those years and especially through these last 2
extraordinary years.

There has been no further updates for this event.  We will keep you posted.  In the
meantime there are no confirmation or ticket sales for any night events.
Chromefest has been cancelled.  It will now be run virtually.

Did you know?
Soaking your feet in apple cider vinegar for 30 minutes soothes sore feet and gets rid of odour.  It also heals dry skin, cracked heals and toenail fungus.  1 part apple cider vinegar to 4 parts water.

Words of Wisdom
Life is always changing. You lose love. You lose friends. You lose pieces of yourself. New love enters. Better friends come.  And a stronger, wiser you is staring back in the mirror.

See you soon
Be Kind
Anna & Justin

Winter Update

What are you looking forward to this Winter!
For me, it will be the countdown to Spring LOL!!
Seriously though I’m looking forward to more dancing, socials, and events.
I am excited to see the return of Festivals.It has been a slow start to 2021 and we are quietly and confidently rebuilding.
Winter is approaching and we are introducing short courses to encourage new students to join our studio and our monthly socials.

Studio Socials
It was a super Saturday Social last Saturday night and we look forward to end of month next dance. Save the Date
Gosford 26 June 7pm  Door fee

30thBirthday Event
Our 30thBirthday will be held at 31 July at Central Coast Leagues Club with Lemon Squeezin Daddies.  Reminder at this event we will be promoting awareness for Coast
Shelter.  There will be raffles to help raise funds.  Cash donations must be placed in an envelope with your name and address so they may receipt you.

Dance Tournament- Shake Rattle & Rumble 
We are in the process of looking for a venue for our next dance competition which will be run under a “tournament” guideline.  I would like to thank those of you who have come forward with Sponsorship for this event to help us get this off the ground and cover all
expenses.  Sponsorship is still open.

The date is still to be confirmed  and we are looking for first week in September.

Chromefest Friday 22 Oct
There are 2 events I will be involved in this year at Chromefest.  The first event I can confirm is the Friday Sockhop at Chromefest.

The first event will be held Friday 22 October.
The second event is Saturday 23 October.
Further details for both these events will be revealed end of July.

At this point in time I am not authorized to give any more information.
Please note there are big changes coming to Chromefest this year in keeping with Covid restriction regulations. I will reveal more when permitted.Tickets are not on sale yet.  I will be taking names though as there are number restrictions.

New Courses
New beginner courses starting at all venues the week beginning Monday 14 June.
New beginner courses starting the week Monday 2 August

Peoples Choice
-Woodcroft Venue
Swing is back in the 8pm time slot this Thursday 3 June

It has been a while since we have had a one off Triples class.  Please send us your feedback if you would like to see it implemented this month.

-Gosford Venue June and July format
RocknRoll Beginners & Intermediate 7pm
Intermediate Class at 8pm as follows below
June – Swing and Bal Swing (5 week)
July – Slow Foxtrot & Waltz (First 2 weeks)
There will be no classes 21 & 28 July at Gosford and we will return Wednesday 4 August.

We believe in word of mouth and we do appreciate you spreading the word. No one is
going to promote our business better than you….our students. The algorithms with Facebook is working against us at the moment and they are changing all the time.

Save the Date
Great to see Festivals revived this year.
Cooly Rocks Coolongatta On 9-13 June
RetroFest Port Macquarie 27-29 August
Crank it Up Festival Batemans Bay 10-12 September
Chromefest The Entrance 22-24 October

Social Media
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Youtube.
I personally don’t do Facebook but I do keep the business and group page up to date with the help of the staff.

Courtesy Call
In recent weeks we have had a large number absent from classes.  We do ask if you could please message us a few hours prior so we may re-arrange staff and classes.  The
messenger groups have been working great.  For those not on messenger you may simply send a text.  We thank you for your understanding.

When you realise that you don’t actually create abundance.
Abundance is always present, you just create limitations.

Happy Feet Happy People Happy Dancing!
See you on the dance Floor
Anna & Justin


March Magic

Firstly what a Fab February as we say So Long to Summer!
I would like to welcome all our new students who have begun with us this year.  I love the enthusiasm and vibe you bring to the floor each week.  Our theme nights were well received and we have had requests for more so keep your eyes peeled for the next one in your area.

Fiery Fundraiser Recap
Earlier this year we embarked on a Fundraiser to help our Firey’s and what a HUGE
success.  We are proud to announce we raised $6636.05 from an enthusiastic loyal giving crowd of 105 people.   More than half were from Sydney and I do applaud your support.  We had a wonderful team of volunteers who put their hands up to help and of course our music team in DJ Gav Bean and Toni & the Rhythm Cats who gave up of their time to provide the entertainment.  Thank you!

Look out March is here
All NEW courses starting at the following venues
Emu Plains Monday 9 March
Concord Wednesday 11 March
Camden Monday 16 March
Woodcroft – Thursday 5 March Swing is back at 7.45pm
Gosford – Wednesday 4 March Swing is back at 7.45pm
Ettalong – Monday 2 March RocknRoll/Rockabilly & Swing is back at 7.45pm
Toukley – Tuesday 3 March RocknRoll & Swing is back at 7.45pm
Mayfield course final class Monday 2 March
We also recommend the extra classes run by the Swing Katz at Surry Hills and
For more details please visit our Lessons Page

Did you know?
At the end of your lesson we encourage you to video the class recap.  There is a 15 minute social break at the end of each class where you can video your teachers and practice your class moves.

Who else is Ready to Dance?
Roaring 20s Theme Ball

Ain’t no PARTY like a ROARING 20s !!…..it’s going to be the bees knees!!
Get those tix quick or regret it!
Available now at this link or pop into class and grab your ticket.

It’s been a long time between drinks since we have had The Lemon Squeezin
Daddies with Pearl Noire at one of our events. Join us for an event not to be missed.

All welcomed bring your friends along, kid friendly event. Great venue Huge Car park, Bistro, Bar and large sunken dance floor. What more could you want?

Saturday 18 April 7pm at the Greyhound Social Club (known as Arena Sports Club)
140 Rookwood Road, Yagoona
Adults $27.50 Children $15.00

Medals Night
The next NSW RocknRoll Association medals will be held at Woodcroft Neighbourhood Centre on Thursday 7 May at 7.30pm. Medallists interested in being part of the Program please email me for the Nomination Form.   Private lessons available for all dancers. Bronze to Gold Levels in all styles RocknRoll, Slow Swing & LindyHop.

NSW RocknRoll Association Inc
Become a member of the NSW RocknRoll Association Inc which has just had it’s first AGM and is now incorporated. Qualified Teachers, Medal Programs for your students.  Teachers and Student Workshops available as well as  Teachers Qualification Program.
Find out what it takes to be qualified, also become an Active Kids Provider, Working With Children and the most important Public Liability Dance Insurance.
Teachers Membership is $30 and Student Dancers may join for $10 and save that on their first medal exam.  For more details please email nswstatetitles@outlook.com

ANNOUNCING Christmas in July Coast Shelter Appeal Sat 25 July
“No time for Siesta..it’s time for Fiesta!!”
Our annual Christmas in July theme is Fiesta Party featuring teddy boy band
The Lincolns from Adelaide. Our charity of choice continues with Coast Shelter.
Where? Central Coast Leagues Club
When? Saturday 25 July.
Tickets will be available 10 March.  I am taking bookings now..
Ticket fees Adults $35 and Children $15

Twinkle Toes
Looking for dance shoes?
  We are a stockist for My JuJu Dance Fever RocknRoll Shoes.  We have Mens and Ladies shoes available in brogue, saddle and maryjane style. Black, Black & White, Red & Black with memory foam inserts, leather sole or rubber sole.

Upcoming Events
Easy Street Show n Shine Toukley 7 March
RocknRoll Vintage in Thirroul 8 March
Newcastle Rockabilly Festival Sat 14 March
Kurri Kurri Nostalgic Festival 27-29 March

All Eyes on the NEW Season Special
Who wants $10 OFF  our 8 Lesson Passes this month?
Limited to one per person during the magic month of March.
Ask about our other offers available.  *Bring a friend for free first visit.
Available at Woodcroft & Central Coast locations

Follow us on Facebook link
We understand not everyone does social media. For those that do follow Facebook please visit our 2 pages.  Our Group page is for gigs and less formal information and our Business Page advertises our classes and events.  It will keep you up to the minute.
If you like to watch class videos please visit and subscribe to our YouTube Channel link

Touching Base
Please give us a Courtesy Call/text or email if you are unable to attend your private
lesson, workshop, troupe training or regular class.  This will help the teacher reassess their planner and class schedule.

Where there are poor class numbers/double bookings or an emergency situation e.g. weather related/bushfire etc you will be notified of cancellation by text.


Signing off

November Notes

It’s PARTY SEASON ….together in November

Read all “About Us” at your leisure and get familiar with our website.
We post our News bi-monthly and the next issue next year will be in January.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for all your daily class and events update.

Is this your first time at BSS Dance? We have a Gig Guide which is updated every
Wednesday just visit our link here and all previous Newsletters are kept in the archives and can be read at your leisure.
For a full class schedule please visit this link and then go to Sydney or Central Coast link

This is your News! so relax put your feet up and read on!

What’s in this issue?

Happy Halloween Social
This Thursday night at Woodcroft join us for our regular RocknRoll Class at 6.45pm
followed by our Halloween Social Dance. BYO nibbles welcomed.
All students from all venues welcomed. Let’s have fun and  Dress in theme.

Medals Night Thursday 7 November
We have a handful of students dancing at the next Medals night at
Woodcroft Neighbourhood Centre at 7.30pm. Spectactors welcomed.
The RocknRoll Class will go ahead as scheduled at 6.45pm.

Timber & Sole II
Saturday 9 November Surry Hills
Pop into the big smoke on for the next Timber & Sole Social with Dj Limpin Jimmy. A group of us from the coast will be training it down and anyone is welcomed to join us.


Heads up guys and gals the next Katz Koast Workshop is on Saturday 16 November at
East Gosford Progressive Hall 11.30am-1.30pm.
Bring joggers, dance shoes, hand towel and bottled water.
$30 payable in advance to confirm the teaching staff.

Once a Month Monday night Jazz
The Central Coast Leagues Swing Dance night with the Con Artists Big Band continues from strength to strength each month. If you haven’t been down there yet catch them on
Monday 25 November for the last one of the year.

Pyjama Party
Can’t wait for our Christmas Pyjama theme party on Saturday 30 November at
Castle Hill Bowling Club with Aston Martinis.
The Christmas Party is a sell out!! Only Standing room tickets available now.
Doors open 6.45pm for 7.15pm start.  There is a bistro available and car park.

Closing dates for 2019
Ettalong 18 November last night (students welcomed at Gosford after this date)
Emu Plains & Camden 9 December
Toukley 3 December  (Reminder no class Melbourne Cup Day 5 November)
Gosford & Concord 11 December
Woodcroft 12 December

ChromeFest Wrap
Well it’s a wrap for another year!  3 days at the stall and 2 big nights entertainment! I would like to send a Special thanks to all the helpers, volunteers, students and staff who helped us at the One of a Kind Stall this year.  It was definitely a challenging couple of days with the gusts of winds but we survived.  We are truly blessed with wonderful friends.  From pack up to set up, grabbing cuppas and lunch for us and holding the fort down during the winds and to all the sales staff who worked across the 3 days. You are appreciated xxx


Thank you & Keep Swingin’
Mamma G Cat & Daddy Kat


Winter Warmer Update

We have so much to warm you up this Winter. Something for everyone from dance classes to dance events, festivals, workshops and competitions.

Read all “About Us” at your leisure and get familiar with our website.
We post our News bi-monthly and the next 2 issues this year are September & November.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for all your daily class and events update.

Is this your first time at BSS Dance? The Gig Guide is updated every Wednesday and all
previous Newsletters are kept in the archives and can be read at your leisure.
This is your News! so relax put your feet up and read on!

This issue
Woodcroft venue  is back
Christmas in July Coast Shelter
WSDC NSW State Titles
Swing Katz Coast Workshop
Chromefest Gig Update
St John Spring Social

Going back home to Woodcroft Neighbourhood Centre
Our venue for 20 years (1995-2015) has now been rebuilt and ready to open its doors.
It’s been a long 4.5 years in the building process.

Woodcroft Neighbourhood Centre re opens Thursday 1stAugust
65 Woodcroft Drive Woodcroft.
This will replace our so called “temporary venue” Plumpton Neighbourhood Centre.  We hope all our students will follow us back to our old “new” premises.

August is our Birthday month – 28 years!
So please come along to the Opening Night at Woodcroft. You may register and buy your lesson passes/courses for the upcoming term and cash in the Birthday Spring
Savings. There will be a class at 6.45pm with an opening social celebration from 7.30pm to 8.45pm.  Check out the beautiful venue and the surrounding lake and outdoor area.
Nearest railway station Doonside or Blacktown and you will need the Woodcroft bus. Ample car park and only minutes to Woodcroft Plaza.

Winter Courses
New month gives you the opportunity to invite your friends to start in our beginners
classes.  If you have been dancing in beginners over the last 3 months and would like to try
Intermediate this is the opportune time to move up and give it a go.  Please visit our Lessons Page for full schedule for either Sydney or Central Coast.

Woodcroft Thursday 1 August
Ettalong Monday 5 August
Toukley Tuesday 6 August
Please note Mayfield Uniting Church & Casula Community Centre will close for  Winter break this Monday 24 June and until September

ATTENTION– The following venues are closed on the following dates
Ettalong –Monday 1 July
Plumpton -Thursday 27 June
Toukley – Tuesday 2 July
Gosford  – Wednesday 3 July

Upcoming Blue Suede Shoes Dance Events
Coast Shelter Christmas in July with Lucky Seven 
Central Coast Leagues Club Sat 27 July 7pm 

The anticipation is killing me ….5 years in the making and only weeks to go!
This event has now been themed “Gangster”.  You may choose Gangsters from any period 1920s, 1930s, 1940s etc.

Please note this is an annual Charity Event and we would really appreciate if you can dig deep and donate non-perishable food, clothing, toys, toiletries etc. Students may bring their donations along to class and guests welcome to bring them on the night.  There will be boxes marked Coast Shelter to place your items.
Cash donations are accepted but must be placed in a sealed envelope with your name and address for receipting purposes.

Chromefest Sockhop Update Saturday 26 October
Mingara Recreation Club
Double Header Ross & The Wild Boys & Smokin Wingtips

If you haven’t bought tickets yet please get in quick to avoid disappointment. Each year we have had to turn people back once sold out. There are only just under 20 tickets left.  Great venue in the auditorium at Mingara Rec Club. Plenty of parking, bistros, bars and cafes.  Great dance floor!

Chromefest Friday Bop Friday 25 October Mingara Recreation Club
Ezra Lee & his band with Dj Gav Bean
Don’t forget the big one on Friday night Ezra Lee and his band from Melbourne with
headline Chromefest with the popular Dj Gav Bean.
Tables of 10 are available if you wish to book a group.  The largest dance floor at
Chromefest this year with a seating capacity of 300.
Not to be missed!
Tickets available now at this link $30 plus $1 processing fee.

6 weeks to go!!

Be sure to get your entry forms by 15 July. Late fee incur after this date.
Please note the change of venue
Greyhound Social Club Yagoona,
140 Rookwood Road Yagoona
For all competition details visit this link
Spectactor tickets are available now visit the link here almost half gone.

We are still looking for Sponsors.  If you wish to Sponsor please email
nswstatetitles@outlook.comfor Sponsorship form and details.

For Accommodation for all our interstate guests please see list below
Greenacre Hotel
Travelodge Hotel Bankstown
The Palms Hotel Greenacre
Hume Hotel
The Rydes Bankstown
Twin Willows Hote Bass Hill
Sleep Express Chullora
Bankstown Motel

Spring Fever! St Johns Heritage Hall Social Woy Woy
Swing into Spring and Save the date Sat 14 September for our next social at St John’s.
All welcomed $8 at the door.  Stay tuned for details on The Swing Katz Workshops through the day prior to the Social.

Spring Fever
We have the Swing Katz roaming the East Coast of Australia. June in Townsville August in Cairns and September on the Central Coast. This will be their first workshop in 3 years on the Central Coast. Please show your interest and support by return email if you would like to be part of the workshop.  The workshop will run Saturday 14 September afternoon
before the social 2-5pm.  Schedule and Fees to come.

Peoples Choice – Plumpton/Woodcroft Students
Expression of interest – please advise if you are interested in any of the following  courses for the quarter period August to November. This will determine our advance classes and workshops at this venue
Cha Cha Intermediate with Anna
Triples Workshop with Justin
Christmas Routine – to be confirmed

Lesson Passes
Save by purchasing lessons in bulk
4 lessons passes $55
8 Lesson passes $105
Our lesson passes have a 3 month Expiry

“If the world was blind how many people would you impress”

Courtesy Call
Please pick up the phone and give us a call, email or text if you are unable to attend class.
If you have booked a private lesson and cancel on the day of the lesson a cancellation fee of $35 is charged and is payable.
Unfortunately we need to pass on the overhead costs.

From the team at Blue Suede Shoes
thank you for your support and see you on the dance floor